Rev. Rob Schenck
The Rev. Dr. Rob Schenck is an ordained Evangelical minister and President of The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute, located in Washington, DC. A leader among American Evangelicals, Dr. Schenck served a 2-year term as Chairman of the Evangelical Church Alliance, America’s oldest association of independent Evangelical clergy.
Dr. Schenck holds a B.A. in Religion, M.A. in Christian Ministry, D.Min in Church and State, and is a senior fellow at the The Centre for the Study of Law and Public Policy at Oxford.
He serves on numerous boards and committees, including the National Advisory Board on Community Engagement in the State Courts. His professional memberships include the National Association of Evangelicals, the American Academy of Religion, the Capitol Forum Club, and The University Club of Washington.
Dr. Schenck is the subject of Abigail Disney’s Emmy-winning documentary examining Evangelicals and the gun culture, The Armor of Light. He is a contracted author with HarperCollins for Costly Grace, to be released in June, 2018.
Dr. Schenck lives in Washington, DC, with his wife, Cheryl, a psychotherapist in private practice.